Don’t ask…. 2.16.2014

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” I can hear that, clear as day. “Because I can’t sleep?” I will say. “You should be asleep.” Sighing, my only reply, “I know.” I was so excited to get to see and play with you both, again. It’s a rare treat that we all have the same day off. Granted… Continue reading Don’t ask…. 2.16.2014

Can’t sleep 2.19.2014

Seems a typical theme for me, always has been, but lately, it seems more so. Happiness Hunger Confusion Worry They keep me up, my brain likes to ping and chatter. Especially the two sides: Logic and Emotion. Constantly discussing everything, especially since there’s been new things, ideas and ideals. Okay, granted, not new ideas, per… Continue reading Can’t sleep 2.19.2014

VD 2.14.2014

No, no, no….. it’s not what you’re thinking…. Well, maybe it is, if you know me well enough… Valentine’s Day…..because of my birthday being on December 25th, most holidays aren’t very special to me, and besides……. who the fuck says that there’s only ONE day you’re supposed to show affection to those around you?? Hmm??… Continue reading VD 2.14.2014

Anticipation 2.15.2014

Was up way too late with Budding, washing clothes and eating a late dinner/early breakfast…. my body knows it’s going to get to see you today. I smile. Awake way too early but there’s so much to do today. but not laundry. I can’t help but smile again, and even give a soft chuckle to… Continue reading Anticipation 2.15.2014


Hungry ALL the time….. Aching for your touch and taste Constantly. Insatiably. Hungering. What’s wrong with me? Is there anything wrong? –to ache, hunger, long, want for you? How do I learn to control these feelings? I hurt when I can’t talk to you. Your voice, soothes me… even when I accidentally wake you up… Continue reading Hunger……..