Punishment 1.17.2011

His slap across her face landed so hard that her head swung to the right and she tasted blood. “What the fuck did I tell you?” he yelled at her as she winced and whimpered while tied in a kneel at his feet. Her golden green eyes wide with terror and hunger simultaneously as her… Continue reading Punishment 1.17.2011

Ouch 4.24.2014

So apparently I’ve not been drinking enough water..and, unfortunately, as a result… I’ve developed an UTI… very painful, and something I’m definitely going to do my very best to not get again… **sighs loudly** All I want to do is curl up beside you, place my head in your lap and let you pet my… Continue reading Ouch 4.24.2014

Did you know? 3.10.2014

I would do just about anything for you. If you need something –ask me– I’ll do what I can to help. I constantly want to be near you. You unceasingly amaze me. I cherish our friendship more than I could have ever imagined. I’m thankful Every. Single. Day. that I had to courage to “break… Continue reading Did you know? 3.10.2014

Surprise! 4.10.2014

Today started out as a fairly typical day for me…. get up, chill for a few minutes with my cats, text SB, get ready for work, then head to work. Sometimes I get to talk to SB on my way to work, sometimes not. Today, he called as I got to work and had clocked… Continue reading Surprise! 4.10.2014

Want 2.21.2014

*sighing loudly and with a heavy heart* I wish I could give you all that you want. It’s not that I’m incapable of love nor falling in love. I’ve been there, quite recently. I’m not ready. not for settling down. I’m just discovering who I am, learning to unleash my darkness. My daemons still haunt… Continue reading Want 2.21.2014